Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase II
Bryant |
Strategy | Plan Funds | Plan Total | Additional NRP Funds | NRP Total | - |
Citation | Strategy Name | Early Access | Action Plan | Phase I Rollover | Reserve Funds | Program Income | Plan Funds for Housing | Mod #s Affecting Strategy |
A.1.1.1. |
Safety Products Rebate Program |
| 1,7 |
A.1.1.2. |
Block Clubs |
| $10,000.00
| $10,000.00
| 1,7 |
A.1.1.3. |
Public Lighting |
| 1,7 |
A.1.1.4. |
Graffiti Reduction Program |
| 1,7 |
A.1.1.5. |
| $16,714.29
| $16,714.29
| |
A.1.2.1. |
Traffic Improvements |
| 1,7 |
B.1.1.1. |
Home Improvement Low Interest Loans |
| $44,080.00
| $44,080.00
| $44,080.00
| $44,080.00
| 6 |
B.1.1.2. |
Emergency Loans |
| 6 |
B.1.2.1. |
First-time Homebuyer Grants |
| $10,460.87
| $10,460.87
| $10,460.87
| $10,460.87
| 6 |
B.1.3.1. |
Business Exterior Matching Grants |
| $1,205.74
| $1,205.74
| $1,205.74
| 4 |
B.1.3.2. |
New Business Loans |
| $15,000.00
| $15,000.00
| 1 |
C.1.2.1. |
Assistance to Senior Citizens |
| $8,649.40
| $8,649.40
| $8,649.40
| 1,4 |
C.1.2.2. |
Crisis Intervention Program |
| 1,2,4 |
C.2.1.1. |
Neighborhood Clean-Up |
| 1,4 |
C.2.2.1. |
Community Garden |
| $65,000.00
| $65,000.00
| 1,2,7 |
C.3.1.1. |
Phelps Park Programs |
| $11,500.00
| $11,500.00
| 1,2,4 |
C.3.1.2. |
Support for Schools and Children's Programs |
| $11,186.46
| $11,186.46
| 1,2,4 |
C.4.1.1. |
Sustaining the Neighborhood Association |
| 1,3,4 |
C.4.2.1. |
Marketing the Neighborhood |
| 1,2,4 |
C.4.2.2. |
Neighborhood Events |
| $6,500.00
| $6,500.00
| 1,3 |
C.4.2.3. |
Undoing Racism Leadership Training |
| $50,000.00
| $50,000.00
| $20,000.00
| $70,000.00
| 6,7 |
C.4.2.4. |
Promote the Neighborhood |
| $4,065.00
| $4,065.00
| $5,935.00
| $10,000.00
| $1,951.20
| 6,7 |
D.1.1.1. |
Administrative Support |
| $177,036.99
| $177,036.99
| $267,863.01
| $444,900.00
| $84,977.76
| 1,4,5,6 |
| $295,498.00
| $295,498.00
| $412,984.47
| $16,714.29
| $725,196.76
| $141,469.83
| |
Phase II Plan Allocation Available in First Three Years (80%) | $295,498.00
Phase II Plan Allocation Percentage for Housing | 48% |
Phase II Affordable Housing Reserve Fund $ |
Phase II Community-Oriented Public Safety Initiatives Reserve Fund $ | $16,714.29
** On March 22, 2004, the NRP Policy Board adopted a policy that requires each neighborhood to limit its Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan obligations to no more than 80% of their neighborhood allocation during the first three years following approval of its Action Plan. |
No. | Plan Step Modified | Approved | Description |
1 | Full Action Plan | 02/18/12 | Approval of the Phase II Action Plan reallocates a total of $120,892.20 from Phase I strategies to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $5,000 to Safety Products Rebate Program (Safety 1.1.1.); (2) $5,000 to Block Clubs (Safety 1.1.2.); (3) $5,000 to Public Lighting (Safety 1.1.3.); (4) $5,000 to Graffiti Reduction Program (Safety 1.1.4.); (5) $10,000 to Traffic Improvements (Safety 1.2.1.); (6) $15,000 to New Business Loans (Housing 1.3.2.); (7) $1,192.20 to Assistance to Senior Citizens (Community Building 1.2.1.); (8) $5,000 to Crisis Intervention Program (Community Building 1.2.2.); (9) $2,700 to Neighborhood Clean-Up (Community Building 2.1.1.); (10) $10,000 to Community Garden (Community Building 2.2.1.); (11) $10,000 to Phelps Park Programs (Community Building 3.1.1.); (12) $10,000 to Support for Schools and Children's Programs (Community Building 3.1.2.); (13) $13,000 to Sustaining the Neighborhood Association (Community Building 4.1.1.); (14) $10,000 to Marketing the Neighborhood (Community Building 4.2.1.); (15) $4,000 to Neighborhood Events (Community Building 4.2.2.); and (16) $10,000 to Administrative Support (Implementation 1.1.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #6 and Phase II Plan Modification #1.) |
2 | Full Action Plan | 10/17/12 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $12,000 of funds previously rolled over from Phase I from the following strategies: (1) $2,000 of Phase I Rollover from Crisis Intervention Program (Community Building 1.2.2.); (2) $5,000 of Phase I Rollover from Community Garden (Community Building 2.2.1.); and (3) $5,000 of Phase I Rollover from Marketing the Neighborhood (Community Building 4.2.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $10,000 of Phase I Rollover to Phelps Park Programs (Community Building 3.1.1.); and (2) $2,000 of Phase I Rollover to Support for Schools and Children's Programs (Community Building 3.1.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #8 and Phase II Plan Modification #2.)
3 | Full Action Plan | 07/30/13 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $2,500 previously rolled over from Phase I from Sustaining the Neighborhood Association (Community Building 4.1.1.) to Neighborhood Events (Community Building 4.2.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #9 and Phase II Plan Modification #3.) |
4 | Full Action Plan | 09/02/16 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $69,400 of Phase I funds to Administrative Support (Implementation 1.1.1.). The modification also reallocates $31,705.74 in Phase I Rollover funds to Administrative Support (Implementation 1.1.1.). The Phase I Rollover funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $1,192.20 in 1995 from Assistance to Senior Citizens (Community Building 1.2.1.); (2) $3,000 from Crisis Intervention Program (Community Building 1.2.2.); (3) $2,700 from Neighborhood Clean-Up (Community Building 2.1.1.); (4) $8,500 from Phelps Park Programs (Community Building 3.1.1.); (5) $813.54 from Support for Schools and Children's Programs (Community Building 3.1.2.); (6) $10,500 from Sustaining the Neighborhood Association (Community Building 4.1.1.); and (7) $5,000 from Marketing the Neighborhood (Community Building 4.2.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #10 and Phase II Plan Modification #4.) The modification also reallocates $43,794.26 in Action Plan funds from Business Exterior Matching Grants (Housing 1.3.1.) to Administrative Support (Implementation 1.1.1.). |
5 | Full Action Plan | 04/18/23 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $156,757.27 in Phase I funds to Phase II strategy, Administrative Support (Implementation 1.1.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #11 and Phase II Plan Modification #5.) |
6 | Full Action Plan | 04/18/23 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $187,307.73 from the following strategies: (1) $135,920 from Home Improvement Low Interest Loans (Housing 1.1.1.); (2) $41,848.60 from Emergency Loans (Housing 1.1.2.); and (3) $9,539.13 from First-time Homebuyer Grants (Housing 1.2.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $50,000 to new strategy, Undoing Racism Leadership Training (Community Building 4.2.3.); (2) $4,065 to new strategy, Promote the Neighborhood (Community Building 4.2.4.); and (3) $133,242.73 to Administrative Support (Implementation 1.1.1.).
7 | Full Action Plan | 04/18/23 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $65,935 of Phase I Rollover funds to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $60,000 to Community Garden (Community Building 2.2.1.); and (3) $5,935 to Promote the Neighborhood (Community Building 4.2.4.). The modification also reallocates $25,000 of funds previously rolled over from Phase I from the following strategies: (1) $5,000 in Phase I Rollover from Safety Products Rebate Program (Safety 1.1.1.); (2) $5,000 in Phase I Rollover from Public Lighting (Safety 1.1.3.); (3) $5,000 in Phase I Rollover from Graffiti Reduction Program (Safety 1.1.4.); and (4) $10,000 in Phase I Rollover from Traffic Improvements (Safety 1.2.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $5,000 in Phase I Rollover to Block Clubs (Safety 1.1.2.); and (2) $20,000 in Phase I Rollover to Undoing Racism Leadership Training (Community Building 4.2.3.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #12 and Phase II Plan Modification #7.)